These forms can be used anywhere on the blog.
Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
What is new in this release:
- Move visual form styler to free version
- Added multiple emails to free version
- Added BCC, CC, and reply to options to emails
- Replaced the reCaptcha with the new no-captcha recaptcha
- Allow multiple roles to be selected for the permissions on the global settings page
- Updated the UI
- Added a trash can for forms as well as draft forms
- Extra security with sanitizing output and prepare database queries extra just to be sure
- Switch to frm_first frm_last frm_half classes for more flexibility
- Added more responsiveness to the styling classes
- Change the field width option from characters to pixels
- Change the user browser info into a more easily readable format, and include it in the lite version
- Add (hidden) legend tag for accessibility
- Fix preview page with 2015 theme
- Reduce duplicate entry check to 1 minute
- Remove a bunch of upgrade messages in the lite version
- Reduce size of indexed db columns for utf8mb4 in WordPress 4.2
What is new in version 2.0.10:
- Move visual form styler to free version
- Added multiple emails to free version
- Added BCC, CC, and reply to options to emails
- Replaced the reCaptcha with the new no-captcha recaptcha
- Allow multiple roles to be selected for the permissions on the global settings page
- Updated the UI
- Added a trash can for forms as well as draft forms
- Extra security with sanitizing output and prepare database queries extra just to be sure
- Switch to frm_first frm_last frm_half classes for more flexibility
- Added more responsiveness to the styling classes
- Change the field width option from characters to pixels
- Change the user browser info into a more easily readable format, and include it in the lite version
- Add (hidden) legend tag for accessibility
- Fix preview page with 2015 theme
- Reduce duplicate entry check to 1 minute
- Remove a bunch of upgrade messages in the lite version
- Reduce size of indexed db columns for utf8mb4 in WordPress 4.2
What is new in version 2.0.08:
- Move visual form styler to free version
- Added multiple emails to free version
- Added BCC, CC, and reply to options to emails
- Replaced the reCaptcha with the new no-captcha recaptcha
- Allow multiple roles to be selected for the permissions on the global settings page
- Updated the UI
- Added a trash can for forms as well as draft forms
- Extra security with sanitizing output and prepare database queries extra just to be sure
- Switch to frm_first frm_last frm_half classes for more flexibility
- Added more responsiveness to the styling classes
- Change the field width option from characters to pixels
- Change the user browser info into a more easily readable format, and include it in the lite version
- Add (hidden) legend tag for accessibility
- Fix preview page with 2015 theme
- Reduce duplicate entry check to 1 minute
- Remove a bunch of upgrade messages in the lite version
- Reduce size of indexed db columns for utf8mb4 in WordPress 4.2
What is new in version 2.0.05:
- Move visual form styler to free version
- Added multiple emails to free version
- Added BCC, CC, and reply to options to emails
- Replaced the reCaptcha with the new no-captcha recaptcha
- Allow multiple roles to be selected for the permissions on the global settings page
- Updated the UI
- Added a trash can for forms as well as draft forms
- Extra security with sanitizing output and prepare database queries extra just to be sure
- Switch to frm_first frm_last frm_half classes for more flexibility
- Added more responsiveness to the styling classes
- Change the field width option from characters to pixels
- Change the user browser info into a more easily readable format, and include it in the lite version
- Add (hidden) legend tag for accessibility
- Fix preview page with 2015 theme
- Reduce duplicate entry check to 1 minute
- Remove a bunch of upgrade messages in the lite version
- Reduce size of indexed db columns for utf8mb4 in WordPress 4.2
What is new in version 1.07.10:
- Added 4.0 compatibility for deprecated like_escape function
- Removed label HTML in radio and checkbox fields when label=0 is used on the [input] tag in the customizable HTML
- Fixed Akismet integration for current version of Akismet
- Added Italian translation
- Added a few Ajax nonce checks but don't require valid nonce for logged-out users for caching reasons
- Allow data-something="value" inside the [input] short code
What is new in version 1.07.08:
- Check the words on the WordPress blacklist before submitting an entry.
What is new in version 1.07.07:
- Added clarity to message in license box when pro is not installed.
- Added Spanish and Serbian translations.
- Fixed XML form export in free version.
What is new in version 1.07.06:
- Return graceful error message if no DOMDocument enabled
- Allow fields to be updated via XML import by field key for non-templates
- Added minimize=1 option to the [formidable] short code to minimize the form HTML to prevent wpautop interference
- Correctly return fallbacks on a couple deprecated functions
What is new in version 1.07.02:
- Added form switcher to nav and other UI enhancements
- Remove slashes from a single entry retrieved from cache
- Remove slashes added by ajax before saving to db
- Fixed naming so plugin info and change log links are correct on plugins page
- Updated default submit button HTML to include [frmurl] for a dynamic url
- Added nonce fields and checking for increased security
- Switched to placeholder with IE fallback for those using HTML5
- Updated duplicate entry checking for more accuracy
- Improved long form load time and usability
- Added French translation
- Removed unnecessary definitions: FRM_IMAGES_URL, IS_WPMU, FRMPRO_IMAGES_URL
- Dropped support for < jQuery 1.7 (< WP 3.3)
What is new in version 1.07.01:
- Added for attribute to labels for newly created fields
- Fixed issue with slashes showing in content if retrieved from cache
- Prevent multiple checks for updates when pro is authorized, but free version is installed
- Added frm_form_fields_class hook
What is new in version 1.06.11:
- Added styling classes: two thirds, scroll box, columns (frm_first_two_thirds, frm_last_two_thirds, frm_scroll_box, frm_total, frm_two_col, frm_three_col, frm_four_col, ).
- Added container in default html for new check box and radio fields.
What is new in version 1.06.09:
- Added the "create template" link into the free version
- Added quotes around the menu position number to minimize menu position conflicts with other plugins
- Moved all stripslashes to the point the data is retrieved from the database
- Switched the field options bulk edit to use the admin ajax url to minimize plugin conflicts
- Changed all occurrences of .live() to .on() for jQuery 1.9 compatibility
What is new in version 1.06.05:
- Fixed WP 3.4 layout issues with missing sidebars
- Added responsive css for WP 3.4 to keep the form builder sidebar box showing on small screens
- Updated the delete option trash can to appear more easily
- Use absolute path for php includes() and requires() to prevent them from using files from other plugins or themes
- Updated translations
What is new in version 1.06.04:
- Allow blank required indicator and to email in forms
- Fix to allow access to form, entry, and display pages for WordPress versions < 3.1
- Fixed default checkbox or radio field values for fields with separate option values
- Corrected Arkansas abbreviation in templates and bulk edit options
What is new in version 1.06.01:
- Added option to customize the admin menu name
- Added instructions to publish forms if no entries exist
- Free only: Fixed form settings page to allow tabs to work
- Free only: Updated styling to align multiple checkboxes/radio buttons when the label is aligned left
- PRO: Fixed issue with the default value getting lost from a hidden field when updating from the form settings page
- PRO: Fixed conditionally hidden fields that are already considered hidden if inside a collapsible section
What is new in version 1.05.04:
- Bulk edit and add radio, select, and check box choices
- Added option to turn off HTML5 use in front-end forms
- Added option to turn off user tracking
- Scroll field choices in the form edit page if radio, check box, or select fields have more than 10 choices
- Free only: Removed export template link since the functionality behind it is only in Pro version
- PRO: Added CSV entry import
- PRO: Added file icons when editing an entry with a non-image file type attached
- PRO: Added functionality for time fields set as unique so time options will be removed after a date is selected
- PRO: Check wp_query if no matching GET or POST variable in the get shortcode
- PRO: Switch taxonomy lists to links in custom displays
- PRO: Added functionality for a where option to be set to a taxonomy name ie [get param=tag]
- PRO: Added functionality for a taxonomy to work with equals and not_equal in custom displays
- PRO: Removed ajax error checking on the captcha field to fix the incorrect response messages
- PRO: Fixed dependent data from entries fields to show the selected values on validation error and on edit
- PRO: Added [frm-entry-update-field] shortcode to update a single field in an entry with an ajax link
- PRO: Added global styling option to set newly-added select fields to an automatic width
- PRO: Fixed calendar to allow fields mapped to a post to be used as the date field
- PRO: Fixed conditionally hidden field options to work with post category and post status fields
- PRO: Fixed custom displays to work automatically with pages instead of just post and custom post types
- PRO: Added functionality to frm-stats shortcode to work with posts and adds where options in key/id=value pairs. ex: [frm-stats id=x 25=hello] where 25 is the field ID and "Hello" is the value the other field in the form should have in order to display
- PRO: Updated datepicker and timepicker to latest versions
- PRO: Fixed bug preventing images for saving correctly if the form is set to create a post and the upload field is not set as a post field
- PRO: Added an "Insert Position" option to the custom display. This will prevent the custom display from being loaded multiple times per page, but will allow users to set when it shows up for themes like Thesis
- PRO: Fixed number field to work with decimals and when ordering descending
- PRO: Added a limit to the number of entries that show in the entry drop-down in places like the custom display page to prevent memory errors
- PRO: Fixed field options to work better with symbols like 0 in graphs
- PRO: Automatically open collapsible heading if there is an error message inside it
- PRO: Added type=deviation to the frm-stats shortcode. Example: [frm-stats id=x type=deviation]
- PRO: Updated calculations to work with radio, scale, and drop-down fields
- PRO: Fixed default values for check boxes
- PRO: Added CSV export format option
- PRO: Fixed scale field reports to show all options
What is new in version 1.04.06:
- Additional back-end XHTML compliance.
What is new in version 1.04.01:
- Changed the ID of the select, user id, and hidden fields to "field_" plus field key
- Moved the "Edit HTML" button out of the "Advanced Form Options" area
- Only load css when needed
- Jump to form on page after errors
- Added option to use [admin_email] in the "Email Form Responses to" line to save time for those who only want to change their email address in one place.
- Free only: If no email address is inserted, the email will be sent to the admin email
- PRO: Added Time field
- PRO: Added option to use posted data in the redirect URL
- PRO: Added option to set the range for the scale field
- PRO: Added option to attach file uploads to email notifications
- PRO: Only load date javascript when a date field has been loaded
- PRO: Moved file uploads to uploads/formidable
- PRO: Optimized the css file by writing it to uploads/formidable/css instead of loading a php file
- PRO: Added styling for field description, and gradients and shadows on the submit button
- PRO: Updated default values to work with radio, check box, and select fields.
- PRO: Fixed front-end reports to work in IE and Chrome
- PRO: Added option to dynamically get stats for the currently logged-in user with the [frm-stats] shortcode ie. [frm-stats id=x user_id=current]
- PRO: Added 'round' option to frm-stats to specify the number of decimal places to show ie [frm-stats id=x round=2]
- PRO: Added 'response_count' to frm-graph to increase the maximum number of responses for a text field ie [frm-graph id=x response_count=10]
- PRO: Added 'truncate' and 'truncate_label' to frm-graph to adjust the number of characters shown for the graph title and the labels of the graph ie [frm-graph id=x truncate=40 truncate_label=7]
- PRO: Added fields to the drop-down list for limiting submissions. Now you can "Allow Only One Entry for Each" email address or whatever other field you may have in your form.
- PRO: Change the hidden User ID field to a drop-down for admins editing entries in the back-end
- PRO: Removed the sanitizing from the custom field name to make it possible to use any custom field name desired
- PRO: Update to check for calendar css in the uploads/formidable/css folder before using it from
- PRO: Added options to number field to specify the range and steps used in the HTML5 field
- PRO: More form options are exported in templates
- PRO: Fixed bug preventing fields with an ' or " from getting copied correctly when duplicating and creating/exporting templates
- PRO: Post categories now work as a drop-down
- PRO: Limit form entries to one per [whatever field here]. For example, only allow one submission per email address.
- Other bug fixes and optimization
What is new in version 1.03.01:
- Fix auto-update for WP 2.9.
What is new in version 1.02.01:
- Emailer now works for everyone! (hopefully)
- Optionally Reset HTML. Just clear out the box for the HTML for that field and hit update.
- PRO: Fixed collapsable section to use correct default HTML.
- PRO: Only call rich text javascript on entries pages
- PRO: A few small reports modifications. Report for the User ID field will show the percentage of your users who have submitted the form if you are allowing edits with only one submission per user.
What is new in version 1.0.08:
- Allow required indicator to be blank.
- Hide paragraph tags if field description is empty.
- General code cleanup.
- WordPress 3.6 or higher
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