
Masquerade 7.x-1.0-rc7 / 6.x-1.9 / 5.x-1.2 / 8.x-1.0-beta1

Các mô-đun hóa trang được thiết kế như một công cụ để thiết kế trang web và quản trị trang web và nó cho phép người sử dụng có đủ quyền hạn để chuyển người dùng. Trong khi giả mạo, một lĩnh vực được đặt trên đối tượng $ user, và một menu sẽ xuất hiện cho...

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Contact Form

Contact Form 3.96 Cập nhật

The Contact Form WordPress plugin also includes a settings panel where various plugin options can be tweaked. The plugin's shortcode is: [bestwebsoft_contact_form] Contact Form is available in two versions. One free, and one under a commercial...

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Simple Mail

Simple Mail 8.x-1.1 / 7.x-1.1 Cập nhật

While the Drupal core handles the task of sending emails beautifully, this module simplifies this process for various reasons. So instead of MIME or HTML support, use Simple Mail to just send a raw email to a person, containing just a subject and the...

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WordPress Simple Paypal Shopping Cart is not a fully blown shopping cart plugin like Jigoshop or WP EasyCart, but a much simpler plugin for just adding a "Buy via PayPal" button to products and getting order details in the backend. To properly use the...

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Custom Submit Messages

Custom Submit Messages 7.x-1.0-beta9 / 6.x-1.3 Cập nhật

The custom submit messages can be shown on different node types via the Drupal UI. It replaces "Page title has been saved" and "Page title has been updated" native messages, with what the user has set. Installation: Unpack in your modules folder...

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Features 7.x-2.7 / 6.x-1.2 / 8.x-3.0-alpha5 Cập nhật

A feature is a collection of Drupal entities which taken together satisfy a certain use-case.Features provides a UI and API for taking different site building components from modules with exportables and bundling them together in a single feature module.A...

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Any Mobile Theme Switcher

Any Mobile Theme Switcher 1.8 Cập nhật

comes with a backend page, where the admin can select which theme to load on a per device type basis. Installation: Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.What is...

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WordPress Simple Firewall was mainly developed to help sites protect against login bots and brute force attacks. The plugin helps developers setup various protection mechanisms in place, so the WP admin panel will be more unreachable for hackers and...

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Move Login

Move Login 2.1.2 Cập nhật

Created to help admins protect their site against automated brute-force attacks, the Move Login plugin provides a way to display an error on WordPress' default login, logout, and lost password pages. By showing an error on those pages, most attackers...

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