
Phần mềm chụp màn hình:
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Phiên bản: 1.3.5 Cập nhật
Ngày tải lên: 10 Dec 15
Nhà phát triển: Vladimir Kharlampidi
Giấy phép: Miễn phí
Phổ biến: 285
Kích thước: 2926 Kb

Rating: 5.0/5 (Total Votes: 1)

Framework7, also known as F7, is actually a collection of methods and widgets that can easily and quickly be put together to allow developers to create a simple app for iOS7 devices.

The app runs on JavaScript and HTML 5, instead of the native Objective-C platform.

This allows developers without Objective-C knowledge to pierce the iOS wall and launch apps without having to spend weeks or months training in such a dedicated, closed-loop language like Objective-C.

Another great Framework7 feature is its no dependency build, which allows it to work with or without complex JS frameworks like MooTools, Backbone, AngularJS, or jQuery loaded.

This gives it a broader usage spectrum and a lighter codebase at the same time.

What is new in this release:

  • New full featured Material theme designed according to Google guidelines
  • New Material-specific App' parameters
  • New CSS files structure
  • Kitchen Sink has been splitted into two platform specific Kitchen Sinks
  • Material theme breaking changes
  • Custom builder will build both iOS and Android specific CSS files
  • Lot of minor fixes and improvements

What is new in version 1.2.0:

  • New full featured Material theme designed according to Google guidelines
  • New Material-specific App' parameters
  • New CSS files structure
  • Kitchen Sink has been splitted into two platform specific Kitchen Sinks
  • Material theme breaking changes
  • Custom builder will build both iOS and Android specific CSS files
  • Lot of minor fixes and improvements

What is new in version 1.0.7:

  • New component that allows you to create custom overlay pickers which looks like iOS native picker
  • New component, touch optimized calendar that provides an easy way to handle dates
  • New component. Cards, along with List View, is a one more great way to contain and orginize your information
  • New component. Swiper is a powerful and most modern touch slider ever with super flexible configuration and lot, lot of features
  • Removed, replaced with Swiper
  • New component. Lazy Load delays loading of images on page while they are outside of viewport until user scrolls to them
  • New component to be used in addition to Navbar. It is useful when you need to put any additional elements into Navbar, like Tab Links or Search Bar
  • New type of Modals/Overlays, which allows to create custom picker overlays
  • New "Modals Stack" behavior. This feature doesn't allow to open multiple modals at the same time, and will automatically open next modal when you close the current one. Such behavior is similar to browser native alerts
  • Additional dynamicHeightBufferSize parameter to control buffer size on Virtual Lists with dynamic height
  • New .scrollToItem(index) method to scroll Virtual List to specified item

What is new in version 1.0.6:

  • New component that allows you to create custom overlay pickers which looks like iOS native picker
  • New component, touch optimized calendar that provides an easy way to handle dates
  • New component. Cards, along with List View, is a one more great way to contain and orginize your information
  • New component. Swiper is a powerful and most modern touch slider ever with super flexible configuration and lot, lot of features
  • Removed, replaced with Swiper
  • New component. Lazy Load delays loading of images on page while they are outside of viewport until user scrolls to them
  • New component to be used in addition to Navbar. It is useful when you need to put any additional elements into Navbar, like Tab Links or Search Bar
  • New type of Modals/Overlays, which allows to create custom picker overlays
  • New "Modals Stack" behavior. This feature doesn't allow to open multiple modals at the same time, and will automatically open next modal when you close the current one. Such behavior is similar to browser native alerts
  • Additional dynamicHeightBufferSize parameter to control buffer size on Virtual Lists with dynamic height
  • New .scrollToItem(index) method to scroll Virtual List to specified item

What is new in version 1.0.5:

  • New component that allows you to create custom overlay pickers which looks like iOS native picker
  • New component, touch optimized calendar that provides an easy way to handle dates
  • New component. Cards, along with List View, is a one more great way to contain and orginize your information
  • New component. Swiper is a powerful and most modern touch slider ever with super flexible configuration and lot, lot of features
  • Removed, replaced with Swiper
  • New component. Lazy Load delays loading of images on page while they are outside of viewport until user scrolls to them
  • New component to be used in addition to Navbar. It is useful when you need to put any additional elements into Navbar, like Tab Links or Search Bar
  • New type of Modals/Overlays, which allows to create custom picker overlays
  • New "Modals Stack" behavior. This feature doesn't allow to open multiple modals at the same time, and will automatically open next modal when you close the current one. Such behavior is similar to browser native alerts
  • Additional dynamicHeightBufferSize parameter to control buffer size on Virtual Lists with dynamic height
  • New .scrollToItem(index) method to scroll Virtual List to specified item

What is new in version 1.0.2:

  • New component that allows you to create custom overlay pickers which looks like iOS native picker
  • New component, touch optimized calendar that provides an easy way to handle dates
  • New component. Cards, along with List View, is a one more great way to contain and orginize your information
  • New component. Swiper is a powerful and most modern touch slider ever with super flexible configuration and lot, lot of features
  • Removed, replaced with Swiper
  • New component. Lazy Load delays loading of images on page while they are outside of viewport until user scrolls to them
  • New component to be used in addition to Navbar. It is useful when you need to put any additional elements into Navbar, like Tab Links or Search Bar
  • New type of Modals/Overlays, which allows to create custom picker overlays
  • New "Modals Stack" behavior. This feature doesn't allow to open multiple modals at the same time, and will automatically open next modal when you close the current one. Such behavior is similar to browser native alerts
  • Additional dynamicHeightBufferSize parameter to control buffer size on Virtual Lists with dynamic height
  • New .scrollToItem(index) method to scroll Virtual List to specified item

What is new in version 0.9.9:

  • Now it is possible to use multiple Virtual Lists on same page
  • Fixed issue with muliple columns and wrong list height on iOS 7
  • Better support for nested accordions
  • Fixed issue when its content becomes invisible on Android devices
  • New App and View allowDuplicateUrls parameter (disabled by default) that allows loading of pages with same urls
  • Fixed issues with DOM manipulation with enabled domCache
  • Updated to latest Template7 version with new support of Global context, that could be specified using property and used as @global keyword in templates

What is new in version 0.9.2:

  • New Message Bar component to be used with messages
  • Totally reworked Messages, now they support avatar and user name
  • Fixed issues with caching of Dynamic content
  • Fixed swipeouts when they are in hidden tabs

What is new in version 0.8.7:

  • New Notifications component
  • New Search Bar component
  • Slider: autoplay feature; fixed styles for nested sliders
  • Dom7: fixed .off method to remove multiple events; new .nextAll and .prevAll methods
  • Device API: new "gt-" (greater than) iOS version classes on HTML element
  • Smart Select: now inherits no-navbar/toolbar props from page; now available with Search Bar
  • Plugins API: new 'pageBeforeRemove' plugin hook


  • JavaScript enabled on client side
  • HTML 5 enabled browser

Phần mềm tương tự


13 May 15


13 May 15


13 May 15

Phần mềm khác của nhà phát triển Vladimir Kharlampidi


10 Dec 15


6 Mar 16

Ý kiến ​​để Framework7

1 Chú thích
  • ten 31 May 16
    แปล google มาใช่ไหม
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