
Phần mềm chụp màn hình:
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Phiên bản: 1.3.2 Cập nhật
Ngày tải lên: 10 Dec 15
Nhà phát triển: Kris Wallsmith
Giấy phép: Miễn phí
Phổ biến: 58

Rating: nan/5 (Total Votes: 0)

Assetic is a very powerful solution for managing physical file assets inside PHP-driven applications or websites.

Assetic's main role is to provide a tool to organize, minify, merge and deploy  existing resources.

It includes numerous tools and features that optimize applications, improving compilation and delivery speed in resource-heavy PHP applications.

What is new in this release:

  • Use * for consistency

What is new in version 1.3.0:

  • Fix the compatibility with Twig 2.

What is new in version 1.2.1:

  • Fixed CssCacheBustingFilter for data URLs.

What is new in version 1.0.4:

  • Fixed the Twig tag to avoid a fatal error when left unclosed.
  • Added the HashableInterface for non-serialiable filters.
  • Fixed a bug for compass on Windows.


  • PHP 5.3.1 or higher

Phần mềm tương tự

Apache jUDDI
Apache jUDDI

10 Apr 16


21 Jul 15


21 Jul 15

Phần mềm khác của nhà phát triển Kris Wallsmith


1 Oct 15

Ý kiến ​​để Assetic

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