CSS Crush

Phần mềm chụp màn hình:
CSS Crush
Các chi tiết về phần mềm:
Phiên bản: 2.4.0 Cập nhật
Ngày tải lên: 10 Dec 15
Nhà phát triển: Pete Boere
Giấy phép: Miễn phí
Phổ biến: 114

Rating: 5.0/5 (Total Votes: 1)

A pre-processor is a tool for interpreting CSS before sending out to the client.

This means that the developer can add CSS in a more complex syntax, and then send it to the pre-processor to convert it into standard CSS code.

What is new in this release:

  • Rule nesting now works without `@in` directives.
  • Added `csscrush_add_function()` as a simple way of adding custom functions without plugins.
  • Added alternative directive names: `@set`/`@ifset` for `@define`/`@ifdefine` and `@selector` for `@selector-alias`.
  • Added support for a command line config file (`crushfile.php`).
  • Added `Util::readConfigFile()` method to enable easier configuration sharing between different workflows; esp. command-line and server.
  • Protocoled `@import` directives are now hoisted to the top of output.
  • Default output filename now uses `.crush.css` suffix only when outputting to the same directory as input. Otherwise a regular `.css` suffix is used.
  • Updated vendor aliases.
  • Removed math shorthand syntax.
  • Deprecated `@in` directives. Supported until at-least 3.x.
  • Deprecated `@define`/`@ifdefine`/`@selector-alias` in favour of new directive names. Supported until at-least 3.x.
  • Deprecated the static api methods in favour of the `csscrush_*` functions. Supported until at-least 3.x.

What is new in version 2.3.0:

  • Rule nesting now works without `@in` directives.
  • Added `csscrush_add_function()` as a simple way of adding custom functions without plugins.
  • Added alternative directive names: `@set`/`@ifset` for `@define`/`@ifdefine` and `@selector` for `@selector-alias`.
  • Added support for a command line config file (`crushfile.php`).
  • Added `Util::readConfigFile()` method to enable easier configuration sharing between different workflows; esp. command-line and server.
  • Protocoled `@import` directives are now hoisted to the top of output.
  • Default output filename now uses `.crush.css` suffix only when outputting to the same directory as input. Otherwise a regular `.css` suffix is used.
  • Updated vendor aliases.
  • Removed math shorthand syntax.
  • Deprecated `@in` directives. Supported until at-least 3.x.
  • Deprecated `@define`/`@ifdefine`/`@selector-alias` in favour of new directive names. Supported until at-least 3.x.
  • Deprecated the static api methods in favour of the `csscrush_*` functions. Supported until at-least 3.x.

What is new in version 2.1.0:

  • Added HHVM support (HHVM >= 2.4)
  • Added Travis CI support.
  • Added custom color keywords plugin.
  • Added text-align plugin for polyfilling the direction sensitive text-align values, start and end.
  • Added selector splat aliases which expand based on arguments.
  • Added settings interface for plugins and CSS environment. Old variable based settings (as used in rem and px2em plugins) are now deprecated.
  • Added library docs to repository.
  • Added unit argument to the math function.
  • Deprecated bare parens math e.g. `()` due to their use in developing CSS specs.
  • Removed `-ms-` gradient aliases.
  • Renamed plugin `hsl-to-hex` to `hsl2hex`.
  • Updated plugin API.
  • Improved feedback for command line watched files.
  • Removed date modified from default boilerplate.
  • Made git version available for use in boilerplates.
  • Reported version now uses `git describe` style output if available.
  • Changed base IO class to use non-static methods.
  • Numerous under the hood improvements.

What is new in version 2.0.0:

  • Raised PHP version requirement to PHP 5.3.1.
  • Library code (excluding API functions) is now namespaced.
  • Added loop plugin: For...in loops with lists and generator functions.
  • Added ARIA plugin for working with aria roles states and properties.
  • Added forms plugin: pseudo classes for working with forms.
  • Removed legacy IE plugins (ie-clip, ie-filter, ie-min-height, rgba-fallback) and spiffing.
  • Added parsing for single line variable definitions e.g. `@define col-width 30px;`
  • Added support for relative input/output file paths (based on the current excecuting script path).
  • Added support for protocol-relative (//) URLs.
  • Removed `csscrush_clearcache()` function - Its functionality can be easily replicated in plain PHP since all output files have a '.crush.css' file extension.
  • Removed `csscrush_globalvars()` function. Use `csscrush_set()` instead.
  • Added `stat_dump` option for saving stats and variables used to a file in json format.
  • Added `asset_dir` option for directing generated svg and image files.
  • Deprecated and removed the *-local.ini now there is a better ways of augmenting the default aliases.
  • If `formatter` option is set will now override the `minify` option (setting it to false)
  • Now using a PSR-3 compatible logging interface (default implementation can be overridden).
  • Better error reporting for syntax errors.

What is new in version 1.11:

  • Added support for fragment calls within fragment definitions.
  • Added check and recovery for overly conservative ini settings.
  • The block nesting parent symbol can now be used multiple times (useful for adjacent/general sibling combinations).
  • Command utility now supports the `trace` option.
  • Custom formatter callbacks have been simplified.
  • Simplified the `csscrush_stat()` function signature.
  • Added command line utility alias for composer's vendor/bin directory.
  • Removed Plugins.ini (use `csscrush_set()` instead).
  • Removed Prepend.css.

What is new in version 1.10:

  • Added `-i` alias to `--file` option for the command line utility.
  • Removed data-* properties.
  • Nested rules that use the parent symbol (&) can now work in conjunction with the rooting symbol (^).
  • Fixed issue with empty imported files not registering.
  • Various bug fixes.

What is new in version 1.9.1:

  • Fixed error notice with no enabled plugins in Plugins.ini file.

Phần mềm tương tự


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