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Phiên bản: 0.4.5 Cập nhật
Ngày tải lên: 10 Dec 15
Giấy phép: Miễn phí
Phổ biến: 144
SocketStream was develop for new age web apps, the ones that rely on heavy client-server communications and the one-page design model.
What is new in this release:
- Resolved an issue affecting the loading of the library.
What is new in version 0.4.3:
- Resolved an issue affecting the loading of the library.
What is new in version 0.4.2:
- Resolved an issue affecting the loading of the library.
What is new in version 0.3.11:
- Resolved an issue affecting the loading of the library.
What is new in version 0.3.9:
- Attempting to resolve an issue with missing new_project files in the npm published modules.
What is new in version 0.3.6:
- Fixed a bug where files were not being copied correctly when running the new app generator
- Added some initial tests for the framework
- Added dependency tracking for Node.js modules
- Added back the build status via Travis-CI
- Added fixes for Websockets
- Updated engine.io to 0.7.9
- Added Grunt for running tests and linting
What is new in version 0.3.5:
- Fixed a bug with the Websocket transport wrapper working in Internet Explorer 8
- Fixed a bug where Symlinked directories in client/static/ were not resolved correctly
- Added GZIP compression of static assets
- Fixed a bug where client-side socket reconnect prints an error if there is no window.ss
- Improved getting x-forwarded-for from socket
- Fixed a bug with the app generator not including some required directories
- Allow setting of "secure" cookie attribute when using HTTPS
- Set correct clientIp when XFF header is present
What is new in version 0.3.4:
- Fixed bug preventing Request Responders (e.g. ss-angular) from working.
- Push `req.clientIp` from Engine.io to RPC requests as before.
- Confirmed working in Node 0.10.0. Be sure to report any bugs if found.
What is new in version 0.3.3:
- Major change:
- Now bundled with Engine.IO instead of Socket.IO. This improves support for non-websocket connections and is generally more efficient (big thanks to paulbjensen). Note: If you want to stick with Socket.IO, please avoid this upgrade - the rest of the changes are minor.
- Bug fixes:
- Improved caching of assets when loading client code on demand.
- Added `npm start` command to newly generated apps.
- Report correct client IP address when using a proxy.
What is new in version 0.3.2:
- Updated Redis to 0.8.1 and connect-redis to 1.4.4 to resolve issues deploying to Nodejitsu.
What is new in version 0.3.1:
- Added support for inline Angular JS templates. Works in exactly the same way as existing support for Ember JS templates: `ss.client.templateEngine.use('angular');`
- Updated jQuery to 1.8.0
What is new in version 0.3.0:
- Updated to work on Node 0.8
- Live Reload now uses `chokidar` for better performance on Windows and when creating new files. Big thanks to CyberWalrus
- Updated many package dependencies
- Added documentation in Korean
- If no assets are found, or you pass the env var `SS_PACK=1`, assets will always be (re)packed
- Static assets now have a cache expiry header of 30 days by default. Configurable with `ss.client.set({static: {maxAge: newValue}})` as before
- JavaScript enabled on client side
- Node.js
- Still under heavy development. May change drastically from version to version.
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