Show Hidden Files

Phần mềm chụp màn hình:
Show Hidden Files
Các chi tiết về phần mềm:
Phiên bản: 2.0.5 Cập nhật
Ngày tải lên: 3 Dec 15
Nhà phát triển: GOTOES
Giấy phép: Miễn phí
Phổ biến: 50
Kích thước: 2240 Kb

Rating: nan/5 (Total Votes: 0)

If you are a webmaster, software developer, or advanced user, you may find yourself having to frequently switch between show all files and hide hidden files on your Mac. This can be done with a few lines in UNIX, but why not save yourself the time and use Show Hidden Files. In addition, we have combined features with our (now deprecated) Change File Visibility program - so you can now use Show Hidden Files to set the visibility flag on files and folders as well.

What is new in this release:

Ready for El Capitan

What is new in version 2.0.4:

Mountain Lion Improvements


This program is completely free. There are no restrictions whatsoever. If you enjoy it, please donate.

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