Medium Editor Insert Plugin

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Medium Editor Insert Plugin
Các chi tiết về phần mềm:
Phiên bản: 2.1.1 Cập nhật
Ngày tải lên: 10 Dec 15
Nhà phát triển: Pavel Linkesch
Giấy phép: Miễn phí
Phổ biến: 97

Rating: 2.7/5 (Total Votes: 3)

The Medium Editor Insert Plugin adds exactly what the Medium Editor lacks when compared to the original editor seen on the blogging platform.

While the Medium Editor has been a community favorite when it comes to inline editing toolkits, the lack of a way to upload or embed multimedia content was "annoying" to say the least.

This plugin fixes this problem by providing developers with an optional plugin which they can include with their Medium Editor installments and have these two formatting option supported.

The Medium Editor Insert Plugin works by showing a small "+" icon next to text paragraphs, which when clicked will show two options.

The user can select to either upload and embed an image on his site, or he can select to copy-paste a link to an image or video file hosted on other platforms like Vimeo, YouTube, or Instagram.

The plugin supports all the native Medium Editor skins and also comes with a PHP library for handling images sent to your server.

A demo is also included with the download package.

What is new in this release:

  • Fixed hideButtons function.

What is new in version 2.0.1:

  • Fixed hideButtons function.

What is new in version 1.7.0:

  • Version bump to 1.7.0, because 1.6.2 added file type and size validation which should cause a minor version bump, not only a patch.

What is new in version 1.5.0:

  • Add uploadCompleted callback to images
  • Trigger input event also when preview image is inserted to the DOM
  • Disable embed toolbars when styles , or actions options are empty
  • Make sure that after removing caption placeholder, caret is placed inside the caption
  • Update medium-editor to v4.1.1
  • Add support for editor's new destroy and setup methods and removed activatePlaceholder method
  • Add formData option to images
  • Hide buttons when toolbar actions are triggered
  • Don't auto remove grid style when removing images

What is new in version 1.2.0:

  • Add an optional second toolbar with a delete button (both in images and embeds) - useful on mobile devices where selecting an image and pressing backspace is not possible
  • Add buttons under uploaded images to upload more

What is new in version 1.0-alpha.6:

  • Added input event triggering.


  • JavaScript enabled on client side
  • Medium Editor

Phần mềm tương tự


13 Apr 15


11 Dec 15


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Ý kiến ​​để Medium Editor Insert Plugin

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