Facebook Android SDK

Phần mềm chụp màn hình:
Facebook Android SDK
Các chi tiết về phần mềm:
Phiên bản: 4.8.2 Cập nhật
Ngày tải lên: 10 Dec 15
Nhà phát triển: Facebook
Giấy phép: Miễn phí
Phổ biến: 43

Rating: nan/5 (Total Votes: 0)

The SDK contains various libraries and examples on how to use and integrate Facebook social features inside Android-powered applications, allowing developers to easily start working on their projects without having to waste hours or days researching the Facebook API.

Built to be lightweight, the SDK has no external dependencies and can be used out of the box without complex preparations or build operations.

The SDK contains all the tools to build and integrate features like Facebook commenting, social sharing, user data polling, Facebook logins, and so on.

What is new in this release:

  • Added:
  • Added graph node to ShareApi and params to photos/videos
  • Added support for gradle 2.4
  • Added translations
  • Iconicus Applinks sample
  • Ability to specify the theme used by the WebDialog for login.
  • Access non-unique information about device to send with App Events to improve Facebook Analytics for Apps reporting.
  • Fixed:
  • Memory leak where login manager held on to context after login completes.
  • PR 419, fixed multi level context wrapper unwrapping.
  • Views now work in android studio designer
  • Issue were setting the peopleIds or placeId on OpenGraphShareContent fail.
  • Video sharing failed to share via native dialog for some content uris.

What is new in version 4.2.0:

  • Added:
  • Added graph node to ShareApi and params to photos/videos
  • Added support for gradle 2.4
  • Added translations
  • Iconicus Applinks sample
  • Ability to specify the theme used by the WebDialog for login.
  • Access non-unique information about device to send with App Events to improve Facebook Analytics for Apps reporting.
  • Fixed:
  • Memory leak where login manager held on to context after login completes.
  • PR 419, fixed multi level context wrapper unwrapping.
  • Views now work in android studio designer
  • Issue were setting the peopleIds or placeId on OpenGraphShareContent fail.
  • Video sharing failed to share via native dialog for some content uris.

What is new in version 4.1.2:

  • Improved login programming model.
  • Improved sharing programming model, and more ways to share without needing an access token.
  • Improved error handling and error recovery mechanism.
  • The SDK now allows developers to run ProGuard across the entire project, reducing the footprint in the final APK.

What is new in version 4.1.1:

  • Improved login programming model.
  • Improved sharing programming model, and more ways to share without needing an access token.
  • Improved error handling and error recovery mechanism.
  • The SDK now allows developers to run ProGuard across the entire project, reducing the footprint in the final APK.

What is new in version 4.0.1:

  • Improved login programming model.
  • Improved sharing programming model, and more ways to share without needing an access token.
  • Improved error handling and error recovery mechanism.
  • The SDK now allows developers to run ProGuard across the entire project, reducing the footprint in the final APK.

What is new in version 3.23.0:

  • Modified:
  • The native ad API was changed to make it easier on logging the impression and handling the click. We removed the 'logImpression()' and 'handleClick()' functions in favor for ones that allow you to register the ad view.

What is new in version 3.7:

  • Modified:
  • Updated Scrumptious sample app to attach default images to all meals.
  • Updated server endpoint to use graph-video for video uploads.
  • Added:
  • Added a ProgressCallback to Request and RequestBatch so callers can monitor upload progress.
  • Added new constructors to allow WebDialog builders to launch dialogs without a Session.
  • Fixed:
  • Fixed potential ConcurrentModificationException when the Session.StatusCallbacks are run during session state changes.


  • Facebook API credentials

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