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Phiên bản: 1.5.40 Cập nhật
Ngày tải lên: 9 Dec 15
Nhà phát triển: Coppermine Photo Gallery
Giấy phép: Miễn phí
Phổ biến: 16

Rating: 3.0/5 (Total Votes: 2)

Coppermine (also known as Coppermine Photo Gallery) is an open source and cross-platform web-based application written in the PHP server-side programming language and designed as a fast, easy-to-setup, and feature-rich photo gallery script that supports the MySQL database.

Features at a glance

Key features include private galleries, user management, a powerful template system, automatic thumbnail generator, ecard functionality, full multimedia support, commenting system, easy installation, EXIF and IPTC support, as well as integration with popular forum scripts, such as phpBB, vBulletin, YaBB SE, InvisionBoard, or SMF.

Additionally, the application is capable of arranging pictures in albums and categories, stores picture information in a MySQL database, displays caption, description, title, as well as other user-defined fields for each photo, allows you to view slideshows of galleries, and comes with a built-in search functionality.

Among other interesting features, we can mention support for displaying random images or the last added photo, supports uploading of multiple images, image rotation support, language selection, upload approval, title option to sort in photo albums, as well as a powerful administration interface that supports all the aforementioned features.

Numerous plugins and skins are available

A wide range of templates (skins) and plugins (add-ons) for the Coppermine application are officially available on the project’s website, allowing the user to customize the look and feel of his/her image galleries and extend its default functionality.

Users will be able to upload their pictures via either a FTP server of the web-based interface. You can display a a clickable filmstrip that contains thumbnails, below the image, or display the first level albums of a category.

It’s translated in numerous languages

Coppermine is a multilingual application that supports English, Czech, Norwegian, Romanian, Arabic, French, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, Bulgarian, German, Catalan, Finnish, Chinese, Estonian, Croatian, Dutch, Danish, Greek, Hungarian, Hebrew, Indonesian, Japanese, Italian, Latvian, Polish, Russian, Malay, Slovenian, Swedish, Vietnamese and Uighur.

What is new in this release:

  • Updated Finnish language file (user contribution)
  • Fixed not processed variable in db_input.php (thread)
  • Added hidden feature to set default value for album property "Visitors can upload files" (thread)
  • Fixed broken referrer feature (thread)
  • Better double vote prevention if detailed vote statistics are enabled in the config
  • Added hidden feature to display confirmation message when adding/removing pictures to/from favorites (thread)
  • Updated header information to reflect current year

What is new in version 1.5.38:

  • Fixed batch-add interface if directory name contains specific strings
  • Fixed watermarking issue in admin tools
  • Updated onlinestats plugin: fixed MySQL error
  • Added hidden feature to hide file count and disk space usage in user manager to increase performance
  • Preparation for hidden features plugin to display button next to album drop-down box to display only empty albums
  • Fixed GIF support check when resizing images
  • Fixed album sort order for "first level" albums
  • Added hidden feature to adjust log file retention
  • Fixed database error if meta albums are viewed with invalid or missing parameters

What is new in version 1.5.36:

  • Strip whitespace from imported IPTC title and caption
  • Fixed icon when deleting picture from an album
  • Made phpBB 3 bridge compatible with phpBB version 3.1.x
  • Updated Italian language file
  • Fixed database error for non-existing files
  • Fixed typo in French docs

What is new in version 1.5.34:

  • Added i18n support for visiblehookpoints plugin
  • Better contrast for help boxes when using the theme "curve"

What is new in version 1.5.32:

  • Updated Czech language file (user contribution)
  • Fixed displaying wrong image issue (thread)
  • Fixed issue with user gallery pagination (thread)
  • Added hidden feature to hide already existing files on batch-add interface (thread)
  • Fixed pre-selection of files for Windows driven systems on batch-add interface (thread)
  • Fixed several issues with file path names on batch-add (thread, thread)
  • Added hidden feature to display only empty albums on batch-add (thread)
  • Fixed comment form submit for Android browser

What is new in version 1.5.26:

  • Fixed custom menu link icon (thread)
  • Fixed error message when removing favorite pictures (thread)
  • Fixed possible issue when searching for image titles (thread)
  • Optimized admin tools "Update thumbs and/or resized photos" and "Delete original image backup for watermarked images" (thread)
  • Optimized code if 'Show first level album thumbnails in categories' is disabled (thread)
  • Added possibility to choose category thumbnail for user galleries category (thread)
  • Fixed display of quota on profile page if user belongs to more than one group
  • Fixed display of additional groups on profile page if user doesn't belong to more than one group
  • Fixed strict standards warning messages (thread)
  • Added PHP4-replacement of function htmlspecialchars_decode to fix email issues (thread)
  • Extended captcha_plugin_enabled function to distinguish various forms
  • Optimized album thumbnails code to reduce database query count (thread)
  • Fixed typo in plugin writing docs (thread)
  • Updated template plugin to match fixed typo in the docs (thread)
  • Fixed regex check for "The content of the main page" in config (thread)
  • Shuffled thumbnails for meta album "random" instead of sorting them by pid (thread)
  • Fixed docs regarding user quota (thread)
  • Added CSS class "thumbnail" to thumbnail images on thumbnails.php pages (thread)
  • Added CSS class "thumbnail" to album thumbnails (thread)
  • Fixed clickable keyword list content (thread)
  • Removed references to constants THEME_HAS_VANITY_GRAPHICS and THEME_IS_XHTML10_TRANSITIONAL, as they didn't worked as intended
  • Added CSS classes "thumb_title_title", "thumb_title_views", "thumb_title_owner", "thumb_caption_caption", "thumb_caption_msg_date", "thumb_caption_author", "thumb_caption_ctime", "thumb_caption_rating", "thumb_caption_mtime" to thumbnail meta data on thumbnails.php pages (thread)
  • Fixed smiley detection in theme directory (thread)
  • Added constant THEME_HAS_COMMENT_GRAPHICS to use theme-depended images for approve/disapprove/delete/edit/report comments (thread)
  • Fixed XSS issue (thread)
  • Updated SWFUpload to fix several XSS issues (thread)
  • Updated Czech language file (user contribution)
  • Updated header information to reflect new year

What is new in version 1.4.24:

  • 2009-05-25 [B] Added 'svn' to the list of foldernames to skip during batch-add {GauGau}
  • 2009-05-25 [B] Fixing duplicates during batch-add (thread ID 57717) {GauGau}
  • 2009-05-25 [O] Removed deprecated target attributes {GauGau}
  • 2009-05-25 [M] Replaced reference to with currenty URL {GauGau}
  • 2009-05-25 [O] Updated Russian language file (user contribution) {GauGau}
  • 2009-05-24 [C] Added line breaks for meta navigation (thread ID 56888) {GauGau}
  • 2009-09-24 [O] Backported browser and client OS detection function from cpg1.5.x for granular stats {GauGau}
  • 2009-09-24 [B] Added code for correct keyword separation in keyword meta tag (thread ID 56873) {GauGau}
  • 2009-05-24 [O] Updated Georgian language file (user contribution) {GauGau}
  • 2009-05-23 [B] Updated previous security fix to avoid causing an infinite loop in PHP 4.3 {Nibbler}
  • 2009-05-23 [O] Updated Finnish language file (user contribution) {GauGau}
  • 2009-05-23 [O] Updated Italian language file (user contribution) {GauGau}
  • 2009-05-21 [M] Updated version count from cpg1.4.23 to cpg1.4.24 in subversion repository as a preparation for a possible future release {GauGau}


  • Apache
  • PHP
  • MySQL Community Edition
  • IM/GD = CPG!

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