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Phiên bản: 3.4.1 Cập nhật
Ngày tải lên: 9 Dec 15
Giấy phép: Miễn phí
Phổ biến: 7
BitlBee is an open source software designed to act as an IRC to other chat networks gateway.
How it works? Simply install the program and connect to the BitlBee server with your favourite IRC-client.
What is new in this release:
- msn:
- Upgraded protocol to MSNP21, works again (dx)
- Contact list management, groupchats and skype username logins won't work. Next release!
- jabber:
- Add "hipchat" protocol, for smoother login. Takes the same username as the official client. Note that unlike the 'hip-cat' branch, this doesn't preload channels. https://wiki.bitlbee.org/HowtoHipchat for details (dx)
- Fixed a bug when receiving topics set by people who left the channel (dx)
- Create fake users instead of showing "unknown participant" errors (dx)
- Gmail mail notifications support (Artem Savkov)
- Lowering xmpp presence priority on away (Artem Savkov)
- twitter:
- Show quoted tweets/RTs with comment inline (wilmer)
- Added "url" command, can be used to quote tweets (wilmer)
- Make replies to self work (wilmer)
- Building documentation is now done with a python script (both 2.x/3.x work)
- Asciidoc/xsltproc/xmlto are no longer build dependencies
- user-guide.{txt,html} are not included in the default build anymore. They were a 'flattened' version of the built-in help, and very few users were aware of their existence, so they are gone.
What is new in version 3.2.1:
- http_client now uses HTTP/1.1, which is required by Twitter since last week.
- A bunch of other things.
What is new in version 3.2:
- Updated Twitter module. Support for Twitter API 1.1, streaming API, direct messages and some other improvements.
- Fixed potential connection issue to Google Talk, OpenFire, possibly other Jabber services.
- A bunch of other things.
What is new in version 3.0.6:
- Updated MSN module, now speaking the MSNP18 protocol. This adds support for MPOP and also fixes sending off-line messages.
- Loads of bugfixes, etc. accumulated over the last half a year.
What is new in version 3.0.5:
- OAuth2 support for Google Talk, Facebook chat and MSN Messenger (via XMPP).
- SSL certificate verification (edit your bitlbee.conf to enable it). Works only with GnuTLS!
- Loads of bugfixes, etc.
What is new in version 3.0.3:
- Twitter fixes (Twitter deprecated the API call BitlBee used to fetch the contact list).
- Twitter enhancement: Ability to RT/reply to older tweets from someone (help set show_ids).
- Lots of other small stuff.
What is new in version 3.0.2:
- MSN login fixes (@msn.com compatibility).
- CTCP support, /CTCP VERSION on Jabber contacts and /CTCP NUDGE on MSN contacts (overuse this feature and I'll remove it again :-P).
- The usual bugfixes/improvements.
What is new in version 3.0.1:
- Mostly bug fixes, not a lot of new stuff.
What is new in version 3.0:
- Lots of stuff, see the development version below.
- MSN protocol module was rewritten. This fixes some problems many people were having with the old code lately, and adds support for things like status messages and offline messages.
- The bitlbee-otr branch is now merged into mainline, which means you can compile BitlBee with OTR encryption support, if you want, without any need for patches/alternative branches.
- Many more fixes, small changes, etc. Just read the full non-bzr changelog for all details.
What is new in version 1.3:
- Too much to mention here, see the Wiki and doc/CHANGES for more details.
- IRC core completely rewritten. This adds support for multiple configurable control channels (for example one channel per group, one per IM account/protocol, a channel with just your offline contacts), easier groupchat support, more flexibility in how nicknames are generated, and finally you can easily change your nickname whenever you want.
- The ability to use libpurple instead of the built-in code. This adds support for more IM protocols and more features. Possibly less stable and lightweight, so by default the built-in code will still be used.
- Support for file transfers.
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