Batch Print SW (2012)

Phần mềm chụp màn hình:
Batch Print SW (2012)
Các chi tiết về phần mềm:
Phiên bản: 5.1 Cập nhật
Ngày tải lên: 4 Dec 15
Nhà phát triển: OfficeOptimum
Giấy phép: Shareware
Giá: 49.00 $
Phổ biến: 39
Kích thước: 880 Kb

Rating: 3.3/5 (Total Votes: 4)

Quick and easy printing and converting batches of SolidWorks documents; an indispensable application to every CAD manager and SolidWorks user. The application features several modes to select files to be printed, notably: drag and drop, specifying Excel lists, or specifying folders. Not only that it prints but it can also convert batches of SolidWorks documents to PDF, DWG, DXF, IGES, JPG, STL, SETP and TIF file formats. Other features: Export Flat Pattern, Save Configurations As Files, Save View To Image File, List Dependents, List Mass Properties. It is designed to save time and money, it is easy to use and preserves user's options for the next time it runs.

Benefits and Features: - High performance: average print creation speed 14 drawings/min* - 5 efficient modes to select files to be printed/plotted: drag and drop files from Windows Explorer, print from an Excel document list, print all documents from specified folders, print all open documents, print active document only.

- Print using a specified paper size for all batch or use the paper size setting last saved in each SolidWorks document. - Batch conversion to PDF, DXF, JPG and TIF file formats. - Auto orientation of the drawing (portrait or landscape); - User has the option to print the active sheet, all sheets, or a certain sheet number of each drawing in the batch. - User can export the list of files to Excel for future use. - Uses a spooler to send plot files from the batch together so that it prevents a mix-up with plot documents sent from other sources. - Zip selected files to group them in a single file or zip them individually. - All settings are saved between sessions.

What is new in this release:

New features: Export Flat Pattern, Save Configurations As Files, Save View To Image File, List Dependents, List Mass Properties. Added ForceRebuild to convertion.


SolidWorks 2012


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